Toolbox to Counteract Disinformation

Using community to fight fake news.

What's going on here?

What's going on here?
  • Czy spotykasz się z problemem niezweryfikowanych lub fałszywych informacji? Are you facing the problem of unverified or false information?
  • Czy prezentowane w mediach fakty wydają Ci się mało wiarygodne? Do the facts presented in the media seem unreliable to you?

A team of scientists, developers, specialists and fact-checking enthusiasts has taken up an ambitious challenge and is creating the InfoTester internet platform, whose task will be to support the information verification process.

It doesn't matter if you have doubts about an article, picture, movie or even a single sentence. InfoTester will help you check the credibility of any type of content - quickly, effectively and free of charge.

How will it work?

Answer: Man and artificial intelligence.

We focused on an innovative combination that will be unique on a global scale.

On the one hand, we want to invite the Internet community, which is so eager to verify content on the Internet, to help check the information sent. Such a "fact-checker" volunteer will be equipped with an extensive list of tools, currently available only to professionals.

On the other hand, we design an innovative IT system based on artificial intelligence, that will help volunteers in their work and significantly improve the process of assessing the credibility of the content.

Man and artificial intelligence.

Thanks to the above-mentioned hybrid, both an ordinary Internet user and a professional will have access to a revolutionary tool , that will significantly help in the fight against disinformation in the Internet space (and not only).

For whom? For everyone.

Regardless of whether you are a journalist, media specialist, scientist, or a regular internet user. InfoTester is designed to help anyone who would like to quickly get answers to questions about the credibility of the content.

It's all thanks to advanced algorithms supporting content credibility assessment, volunteer fact-checkers and advanced, but easy-to-use tools.

Interested? Do you want to help?

Do you want to be one of the volunteers who check the content with InfoTester? Or you are just interested in the project and will it be useful in your everyday life and work? No matter what your motivations are, subscribe to the mailing list. We will let you know about the details soon.